Key chain

this is Yar's suggestion on ensuring that the key can not be sold it is not currently incorporated into the rest of the system; significant review might be required also likely applicable for normal MACI


Let's organize private keys in chains of unknown length. As a simplest example: let HH be some hash function, and use H(x)H(x) as a public key corresponding to a private key xx. Then, let's say that yy dominates xx if we know such integer k>0k>0 that Hk(y)=xH^{\circ k}(y) = x.

If we have provided the coercing party with a private key, it can not be known for sure whether this private key is dominated (whether it actually has a known preimage).

Then, let's give a dominating public key yy ability to "cancel" public key xx in our voting system (in a simplest version, this can even be used instead of keychanges). This not only gives non-coercibility, but also prevents key selling.

I.e., simplest (not very efficient) MACI-style voting system works like this: there is an initial registry of keys of height 00; users send their (encrypted) transactions, which include signatures with keys of arbitrary non-negative height kk (possibly with zk-proof that the result of kk hashes gives the key from the registry to prevent DoS). Server nullifies all dominated votes and sums up all non-dominated.

Algorithm therefore becomes:

  1. sort transaction list TT by a 2-wide register: ASC by user, DESC by height, DESC by timestamp
  2. add padding element with idx 0
  3. for transaction with index i1..Ni \in 1..N add field as follows T[i].valid=(T[i].user!=T[i1].user)T[i].valid = (T[i].user != T[i - 1].user)
  4. aggregate "valid" transactions into voting result

This seems to not require security deposit.

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