Bit decomposition

Previous constructions were intentionally circumventing bit-decomposition protocol, as it is more heavy than any of them. However, sometimes bit decomposition is necessary.

This functionality takes a shared value [x][x] and produces a shared bitstring [x]B[x]_B.

  1. [rRFp]B[r \in_R \mathbb{F}_p]_B, calculate [r]=li=02iri[r] = \underset{i=0}{\overset{l}\sum}2^ir_i
  2. Open b=(x+r)modpb = (x+r) \mod p, denote bib_i its bit decomposition. Denote bib'_i the bit decomposition of p+bp + b.
  3. Calculate [t]=[rb][t] = [r \leq b].
  4. Set [qi]=[t]bi+[1t]bi[q_i] = [t] b'_i + [1-t] b_i
  5. [x]B=[q]B[r]B[x]_B = [q]_B - [r]_B //obtained using bitstring subtraction

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