Equality test

This functionality, denoted as [a=b][a=b] returns a shared bit corresponding to the equality property. We consider only the particular case where the RHS is zero, because general equality is implemented trivially as [ab=0][a-b=0].

To obtain [x=0][x=0] we do the following:

  1. [rRFp]B[r \in_R \mathbb{F}_p]_B
  2. Compute [r]=l1i=02i[ri][r] = \underset{i=0}{\overset{l-1}\sum} 2^i[r_i]
  3. Open [x+r][x+r], denote as bib_i its bit decomposition.
  4. Set [qi]=bi?[ri]:(1[ri])[q_i] = b_i ? [r_i] : (1-[r_i])
  5. [x=0]=l1i=0[qi][x=0] = \underset{i=0}{\overset{l-1}\vee}[q_i]

It is important to note that because rr is uniformly distributed in Fp\mathbb{F}_p, revealing r+xr+x doesn't leak any information about xx.

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