Oblivious sort by key

We describe here briefly the construction of Hamada et al. The only difference with it is that we suggest using Laud's efficient oblivious random permutation protocol instead of the one used in the original paper.

The sort here is, actually, a stable radix sort.

Sort by revealed key

This is a subprotocol, which picks an array of (key, value) pairs ([Ki],[Vi])([K_i],[V_i]) and sorts it by key, but leaks keys in process.

It works as follows:

  1. Do oblivious random permutation.
  2. Reveal keys and sort the array by them.

Stable sort by rr-bit register

Consider a short key of size rr bits. We will now sort an array of size mm by this key.

  1. For each ii, form an indicator vector Pˉi\bar P_i of size 2r2^r, where [Pij]:=[Ki=j][P_{ij}] := [K_i = j].
  2. Form also a vector Sˉi\bar S_i, such that [Sij]=[Ki<j]=2rs>jPis[S_{ij}] = [K_i < j] = \underset{s>j}{\overset{2^r}\sum} P_{is}.
  3. For each ii from 11 to mm, calculate the running sum [Qˉi]=i1k=0[Pˉk][\bar Q_i] = \underset{k=0}{\overset{i-1}\sum} [\bar P_k]. This counts the amount of different values of the key up to the point ii.
  4. Calculate the reveal key [Ri]=2r1k=0([QikPik]+[QmkSik])[R_i] = \underset{k=0}{\overset{2^r - 1}{\sum}}([Q_{ik} P_{ik}] + [Q_{mk} S_{ik}]). This calculates the amount of key values less than the current key value, plus the amount of the key values equal to the current key value before this element - which is exactly the position where the element should land in a sorted array.
  5. Engage in the revealing sort subprotocol, using RiR_i as keys.

Stable sort by key

The stable sort by key works by splitting key into rr-sized registers, and then engaging in a stable sort by registers.


Steps of one instance of stable sort by rr-bit register involve:

  1. 6 online rounds for equality test.
  2. 0 rounds
  3. 0 rounds
  4. 1 round for multiplication
  5. n rounds for oblivious permutation and 1 round to open RiR_i

Therefore, it takes 8+n8+n rounds. The size of rr-bit registers is, therefore, a tradeoff between (exponential) blowup in offline computation and amount of invocations of the stable sort by register.

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